CUIDADO SI RECIBIIS ESTE MAIL: “Important: Your account has been frozen temporally (48Hours)
ASUNTO: Important: Your account has been frozen temporarily (48Hours)
Dear Customer,
Your account is temporarily disabled for
security reason. We have detect unusual
changes in your account has violated our
policy agreement.
Date: Monday, September 23, 2019
Browser: Chrome
Operating System: 77.0.3865.93
For security reason we have locked your
account until we get your response.Please
verfy your account as soon as possible by
open attachment file and follow instruction. To
keep safe our security and privacy agreement
we will disable your account permanently if you
didn’t verify your account in 48 hours.[/i][/b]
Anexado: OPOD-7265433234858.html… —> enlace malicioso (NO PULSAR EN ĖL)
El fichero anexado contiene un html cuyo encabezado es el siguiente:
Important: Your account has been frozen temporarily (48Hours)
@link https://www.facebook. com/hamidakhatar
* @since 2019
* @package Apple Scam Page
* Project Name: Apple Scam
* Author: Hamid Akhatar
* Author URI: https://www.facebook. com/hamidakhatar
Evidentemente hemos modificado la URL del enlace para que no se pulse en él por descuido, y RECORDAR QUE NO DEBE PULSARSE EN FICHEROS, IMAGENES O ENLACES DE MAILS RECIBIDOS SIN HABER SIDO SOLICITADOS ,!!!
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