Nuevos mails anexando DOC malicioso :
Asunto: Invoice #703459680,
De: BGDocumentSend@dominio destinatario
Fecha: 07/11/2017 14:10
Para: destinatario
Customer #: 674842833
Attached is your outstanding Invoice; please remit with your next payment. If payment has already been forwarded, please accept our thanks and disregard this notice.
If you have any questions regarding this email, please contact Accounts Receivable at (800) 112-1340.
Can’t view the attached file? You may need to install Microsoft Office Word to view doc files.
Thanks for the continued opportunity to serve your business.
ANEXADO: 674842833_11_07_2017_90_83_35.DOC
Y otro mail muy parecido al anterior, anexado otro DOC de similares caracteristicas
Asunto: Invoice #316033431,
De: EXDocumentSend@dominio destinatario
Fecha: 07/11/2017 13:50
Para: destinatario
Customer #: 204774145
Attached is your outstanding Invoice; please remit with your next payment. If payment has already been forwarded, please accept our thanks and disregard this notice.
If you have any questions regarding this email, please contact Accounts Receivable at (800) 943-7700.
Can’t view the attached file? You may need to install Microsoft Office Word to view doc files.
Thanks for the continued opportunity to serve your business.
ANEXADO: 204774145_11_07_2017_13_63_75.DOC
Ambos descargan un EXE que resulta ser un RANSOMWARE LOCKY ASASIN como el indicado en Noticias anteriores al respecto, que ya controlamos con el ELISTARA 37.81 de hoy, y que estará disponible en nuestra web a partir del 8-11 prox
ms, 7-11-2017
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